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BT Pallet Jack Parts

BT Lifter series pallet jacks are extremely customizable, which has made them a particularly popular choice for those who aren?t always sure about the kinds of uses they?re going to run into. These are suitable for use as a horizontal pallet transport as well as managing your loading and unloading operations.

Order picking is, however, their most popular application because they?re designed with flexibility in mind. That?s precisely why so many people end up ordering BT Lifter parts.

By gathering a small collection of replacement components, you can be sure that you?ll walk away with all of the equipment that you need to custom-tailor your gear to your organization?s specific operations. At Helmar, our team has done their best to get you a collection of BT Lifter parts that should be more than sufficient for even those groups that have to extensively customize their gear.

BT Pallet Jack Parts

Parts for both BT L2000 and L2300-U devices are available as are those for the BT Lifter L-series of pallet trucks. Manual electric pallet jack parts can also be purchased for a number of other related pieces of equipment, if required.

The reason that these might not appear very descriptive isn?t because they don?t offer a great degree of performance. Rather, they?re designed to function as low lifting hand jacks that provide for horizontal transport of containers without any significant failures in an everyday setting.

Those who are looking for a piece of equipment that?s going to be reliable time and time again will certainly want to explore these as an option. They?re a great choice for those who have to pick orders manually whenever their customers place one with them.

They can be changed up over time to suit quite a few different use cases related to materials handling, which include both operations in conditions that need a high degree of cleanliness as well as those that are corrosive. Though the manufacturer has rated them with a healthy working life to begin with, there?s no reason that you don?t want to stock up on extra components that will further ensure that these keep on hauling for as long as possible.

BT Pallet Truck

Though you might have heard it referred to as a pallet truck, these BT devices are still the same as the brand?s standard pallet jacks. That means you don?t have to invest in any special equipment to get them going. The same replacement parts will help.

This is also true if you hear someone talk about a pallet pump or a pump truck, since this terminology refers to the same gear. For that matter, some operating engineers will use some unusual names like scooter or dog to refer to their kit, but they still just mean the BT L2000 they?ve been working with.

Outfit Your BT Lifter Today

Regardless of what your preferred arrangement or the particular model that you?re trying to outfit, make sure to contact us online. Our team will help you identify the best components for your particular model of pallet jack so you can get back to the important job of running your business or independent warehousing operation.

BT L 2000-U & L 2300-U



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